Welcome to Cactus Yoga, I’m Cactus Mike.

If this is your first time here, you no doubt found me by accident! 

Too bad for you.

Anyway, let me give you a brief history of why this channel exists in the first place:

For years, I have been watching my wife do yoga and kept feeling bad about myself. My wife must be quadruple jointed and can put her palms flat on the floor without bending her knees.

Me . . . not so much. And lord knows I’ve tried yoga classes with her many times!

So, rather than continuing to lament my lack of flexibility and continue to feel bad about myself, I decided to practice a very ancient version of yoga called Cactus Yoga.

More about that later.

In practicing Cactus Yoga, we can now all feel good about ourselves!

In this basic starting session, I will show you a few poses to get you started.  

Here’s the base Cactus Yoga poses:

“A very ancient version of yoga” you say?

Last summer, I was hiking in Mesa Verde National Park, walking along the trail, and spied some honest-to-god ancient Petroglyphs. And there amongst the drawings, was, and I shit-you-not, evidence of “The Ancients” practicing yoga, “Cactus Style”.

Check out "Doin-it Open Ocean Style"!

And when I get around to it, I'm going to create some Merch. If there's anything you'd like, drop me a note @ Merch@CactusYoga.com

By the way, all this is copyrighted: ©2022 CactusYoga.com
